Welcome to the home of the Olin Family Society!
The OFS is an organization of the descendants of John OLIN and Susannah SPENCER. It was founded in April 1992, and its first elected officers took office in August 1996.
Although many details of the origins and lives of John and Susannah are still unknown, they lived most of their lives in Rhode Island. John died on 28 March 1742 in North Kingston. They had four known children:

The goals of the OFS include:
- encouraging research in Olin family history
- fostering the formation and continuation of local and regional reunions
- encouraging connection with members of one's kin family
- maintaining family histories, stories, traditions, records and artifacts
- researching our DNA connections with the goal of finding the origins of our common ancestor, John Olin.
To those ends:
- We hold an international Olin reunion at different locations around North America every 5 years, and promote and encourage smaller regional reunions each year.
- We have a MeWe social media group where members can meet and interact.
- Members can record their stories and histories on this site.
If you are a descendant (including spouses) of John OLIN and Susannah SPENCER, or can provide plausible evidence (lineage) of a connection, then please join us! Membership is free and includes access to our newsletter, The OLINews, as well as access to all other content on this site. To join, use the OFS Membership Request Form. For more information, contact Genealogist Tom Olin.